Website Specialist

Tired of overpriced, underwhelming web design?

At DoodlyDog, I craft high-quality websites that won't drain your budget.

Research shows that 90% of visitors won’t return to your website if they have a poor experience, so don’t let yourself be ripped off by paying a high price for a poor-quality site that doesn’t work properly.

Download my FREE GUIDE: 16 Mistakes made by amateur website designers (and how to fix them).

At DoodlyDog, I help small businesses shine online, with no false promises – just a service you can trust.

I deliver fully-featured, multi-page WordPress websites from just £500, so you can own a high-quality, professional website that will impress visitors – but won’t break the bank.

I get really angry at the poor service provided by some web designers. Whether it’s not responding to phone calls, taking weeks to change something, or talking in jargon, I believe that people deserve better – and strive to deliver an excellent service. Always.

See for yourself: here are comments from three of my current clients … 

Eric modernised my website to a high professional standard. He included a new booking system, i.e. Booknetic, which has streamlined my appointment booking system. I highly recommend Eric to any business.
Eric gave my website an MOT, completely overhauling it and helping me refresh the content and present it in a more customer focused style. My website now projects my personality and services far more effectively.
Eric is meticulous in his preparation so that he is able to render websites exactly according to customers' needs. He is good at avoiding technical jargon ... and is very prompt with updates/additions to sites.

Get a new website in three easy steps:

Tell me what you want.

Share your vision with me; whether you’re full of ideas or need some inspiration, I’m here to help.

I’ll design and create it.

I’ll turn your vision into reality, by designing your site and creating or finding content for it.

Your new site is launched.

You can see the site as it develops; when you’re happy with it, your fabulous new site will go live.

A website designer you can trust

At DoodlyDog I know that you want to own a great website without breaking the bank.

In order to do that, you need to find someone to trust with your site: ideally, a website designer who will deliver a high-quality product at an affordable price.

The problem is unscrupulous website designers, who overcharge and underdeliver – something which I know makes you worry about being stuck with an expensive, poor-quality website.

I believe that people shouldn’t be taken advantage of; they should be treated fairly.

I understand the desire to avoid businesses that don’t care, and I get really angry at the low quality produced by some web designers and the high fees they charge.

That’s why I deliver great sites at a price that won’t be a barrier to small businesses on tight budgets.

Here’s how I do it:

1 – You share your vision with me;

2 – I bring it to life; and

3 – together we’ll launch your fabulous new website.

So stop worrying about being ripped off by paying a high price for a poor-quality site that doesn’t work properly –  and instead look forward to owning a high-quality, professional website that will impress visitors, but won’t break the bank.

Need more than just a great value website?

If you’re looking for more than just website design, I also register domain names, organise website hosting, support my clients with ongoing aftercare and provide search engine optimisation services – plus, I offer a free website analysis, which will highlight key problems with your current site.

If you’re thinking of getting a new website but don’t want to discuss your requirements just yet, here are some things you might like to consider before you get in touch:

Have you thought what your website address (aka domain name) will be?

Consider issues such as length (shorter is better), ease of spelling and pronunciation, and how memorable it’s likely to be.

Bear in mind that it won’t just be your website address, but will be used as an email address and on promotional materials such as business cards, flyers and even on vehicles.

If you want to use the name on social media, check that it’s not already being used. If it’s available, then grab your social media profiles as soon as the domain is registered.

You can either register it yourself or get someone else to do it for you.

Information about checking domain availability and registering a name can be found on my Domains page.

Do you know how important website hosting is?

In order for your website to be visible on the internet, it needs to be ‘hosted’ somewhere, so that when someone enters your domain name into a browser or clicks a link to your site, all the files and data associated with it are transferred to the user’s browser and they see your website.

That transfer needs to be fast.

Poor quality hosting can slow down your website, so it’s important to choose a good hosting package.

I use cloud-based hosting from Hostinger, powered by 100% renewable energy, which provides excellent reliability (an average of 99.9% uptime) and is far faster than the shared hosting which many small businesses use.

Learn more on my Hosting page.

What do you want your website to look like?

One way to get ideas is to find some sites you like and ask why you find them appealing.

Depending on the purpose of your own website, not everything you see will be relevant, but whether it’s layouts, colours, images, fonts or sticky menus, make a note of them.

Remember that design is not only about how your content is displayed. It’s also about making sure that your messages are legible and readable.

Although your website should be individual to you, there’s a reason that so many sites share similar layouts: for most of us, design is a question of finding a compromise between individuality, practicality and affordability.

Read more on my Design page and check out my prices.

How will your website be found?

A majority of people looking for something on Google never explore beyond the first page of search results.

It’s therefore important to get on to that first page – and the higher up you appear, the more chance there is of people clicking on your link and visiting your website.

You can improve the chances of your site being found through the process of search engine optimisation (SEO), which aims to get your web pages to appear on the first page of Google (ideally in the number one spot) without having to pay for advertising.

To learn more about what SEO is, how it works and steps you can take to improve SEO yourself, visit my pages on search engine optimisation.

Who will be responsible for managing your website after it’s launched?

Will you be adding new products, blog posts, and changes to prices or opening hours, as well as updating plugins, themes and new versions of WordPress?

Or will it be someone else’s job?

Looking after it yourself might seem like a good idea, but think about issues such as the time needed to write and add new content, to find images, or to check that updated plugins don’t cause problems on the site.

Don’t let aftercare be an afterthought: consider from the start who’ll be managing your site and find out what support your prospective web designer offers.

For details of my comprehensive and flexible website management packages, see my Support page.