Website Specialist


5 WordPress plugins that will make your life easier.

I design WordPress websites and find these five plugins really useful. They cover a range of important tasks, from image compression to stopping malicious attacks. If you manage your own WordPress site, I recommend you give them a go.


Don’t let large image files slow down your website loading time. With Imagify compression, you can expect to see file sizes reduced by 60% to 95% with no loss of image quality.

For details see Imagify website.

WP Rocket

Even with your images optimised, WP Rocket will still improve your loading time, giving you better performance scores on GTmetrix and Google’s PageSpeed Insights – and will show you how to make your site even faster!

For details see WP Rocket website.

The SEO Framework

With a few tweaks to this free plugin, I got my own site to rank number two on the first page of Google. If you don’t know much about search engine optimisation, then this is a good tool to start learning with.

For details see The SEO Framework website.


Using UpdraftPlus, you can make complete manual or scheduled backups of all your WordPress files, databases, plugins and themes. You can even clone your WordPress site and move it to a new domain or host.

For details see UpdraftPlus website.

Wordfence Security

The free version of Wordfence – which I install on my clients’ websites – identifies and blocks malicious attacks on WordPress. It also provides protection against brute force attacks, plus vulnerability alerts and it scans for malware.

For details see Wordfence website.

Here’s an infographic I created to highlight these useful plugins in a different way:

NB As part of the website design service I provide, I load all these WordPress plugins onto my clients’ websites, together with privacy-friendly Plausible Analytics.

Questions? Feel free to mail me:

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