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Artificial intelligence - human head shown against background of computer network.

Can artificial intelligence (AI) write blog posts for you?

After reading a review of 20 AI apps ( I decided to try a few.

I chose three that AI writing services that offer free trials and don’t require payment card details.

Although all three have a variety of options available, I limited myself to generating content for a blog post titled ‘Would you use AI to write your blog posts?’ Where possible, I asked for both advantages and disadvantages to be covered.

Below are extracts from the three apps, edited only for British English rather than the US variety, and for spacing of dashes.

1 –

If you’re an avid blogger, you’ll know that finding the time to write blog posts can be challenging. It’s not uncommon for a busy entrepreneur to find that they have no time to write anything at all — and even if they do have time, it might be better spent doing something else. There’s a solution for this problem: artificial intelligence (AI). AI could help you save time by automating some of your writing tasks, freeing up your schedule so that you can focus on other things (like meeting deadlines!). However, it may not always be the best idea.

The idea behind using AI in your blogging process is simple: it can perform repetitive tasks as well or better than humans but doesn’t tire out like we do over time. Although there would be some tradeoffs involved when using AI instead of humans for content creation purposes such as research or fact checking — human writers tend to produce more interesting and engaging content because they have more novel ideas — the potential gains outweigh these drawbacks by quite a bit! If used correctly and consistently over time then artificial intelligence could become a valuable tool in any writer’s arsenal … now let’s take a look at why this might not always work out as planned.”

2 –

AI writers are not capable of providing the same quality of content as a human copywriter. However, they can be used to generate content ideas at scale and take care of writer’s block. They are also useful for completing tasks that require less creativity and more precision.

The advantages of AI writers include the fact that they can produce content at a faster rate and with less effort, which means that it is possible to get more content out there in a shorter span of time. They are also beneficial because they do not require any payment or royalties, unlike human copywriters who need to be paid for their work.

However, we should remember that AI writing is still in its early stages and has many imperfections, such as producing nonsense sentences or using too many cliches. This is why we should use them only when necessary and not rely on them entirely for our blog posts.

3 –

What if artificial intelligence (AI) could take some of the stress out of your blog and help you produce better content faster? Sounds like a dream come true, right? Well, it’s not quite that simple. AI is making inroads into all sorts of industries — even the blogosphere. Many bloggers are using AI to create their posts. But is this a good thing or bad thing for the industry? Is AI something you would consider using to support your blog, or do you think it’s best left alone? Let’s take a look at what AI can — and can’t — do for bloggers.

What is AI and why is it important for bloggers?

Artificial intelligence can be thought of as machines that are able to replicate human behaviours. These machines need to be able to think. They are designed to complete tasks that would otherwise be done by human beings. AI is used in many industries, including finance, healthcare and marketing. It is also making significant inroads in the blogging community. AI can be used to write blog posts for you, curate content, and generate leads. It is not, however, a one-size-fits-all solution. Although AI is becoming more advanced, it currently has limitations. It’s important to understand those limitations before choosing to invest in AI.

These are only extracts, of course, but they give a flavour of what AI can do and – at least to my mind – of how tones vary between different apps.

Each took only a matter of minutes to generate – from providing the title and keywords to seeing the full text.

(I particularly like the warning in the Rytr text that AI apps might produce nonsense sentences – although I’ve frequently come across that phenomenon from living, breathing, human writers too, so it’s hardly unique to AI!)

Anyway – what do you think?

Questions? Feel free to mail me:

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