Website Specialist


See your website through a fresh pair of eyes.

Although my business is all about WordPress websites – hosting, designing and caring for them – I’m happy to cast my critical eye over any site.

Your website is an essential part of promoting your business; if it’s not working well, then you should be wondering why.

So let me ask you a question: how would you describe your relationship with your site?

Would you say …

1 – You’re head-over-heels – you love it; it’s all you hoped it would be, and the bond is as strong as ever; OR

2 – You’re concerned – it’s not really what you’d expected; things aren’t quite right and the edges are starting to fray; OR

3 – You’re disappointed – it’s clearly not working out; it’s high maintenance and you’re more or less ignoring it.

Here’s another question: how do you know whether you should be feeling head-over-heels, concerned or disappointed?

Because unless someone who knows what they’re doing looks at your site, there’s a good chance that you’ll be oblivious to what’s going on and that problems will be missed.

In recent weeks, I’ve come across:

– a site which is taking far too long to load because large images are presented via a slider;

– a site where really useful information is hidden in a place few visitors would think to look;

– a site on which many page headings are unreadable because they’re in a light colour and the associated dark background image is missing; and

– a site where the footer text on mobiles is crammed into a single, narrow column.

– a site inviting visitors to complete a non-existent contact form;

Part of my work is about helping people see their website with fresh eyes. The process starts with a free website assessment, which checks a number of key performance indicators, including:

– Speed: how quickly does your site load and can it be faster?

– Structure: is your site logically structured and does your navigation work?

– Readability: is your content easy to read and to understand?

– Layout: does your site work properly on desktop, mobile and other devices?

– Contact: how easy is it for people to get in touch with you?

Your website is important. If you’d like to improve your relationship with it, get in touch with me.

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